Although gym websites alone are a great source of information for your customers, you may want to be on a more personal level with them as well. For those committed members and prospects you may want to consider using email marketing to keep them updated with new information and to promote new events at your gym. The use of email marketing will also add some other benefits to your gym.
Using an email marketing strategy can be very profitable and help in building and managing customer relationships. By keeping your customers updated on your gyms events you will enhance your customer relationships and encourage customer loyalty in hope of producing repeat business. When your customers are happy it builds a good name for your gym in turn producing more new members.
Email marketing can also be used to promote events to non-gym members. When sending an email to non-gym members you may consider finding their email off a prospect list or having all non-gym members fill out a form when they first visit. These emails might consist of special events at your gym or a new membership special. You could also offer a free day at the gym, everybody likes free.
Now that you have been briefed on the basics of email marketing give it a try for your gyms next special offer. You will be surprised how effective this method of marketing actually is. When your gym has its existing members returning and many new members joining I am sure you will turn into a firm believer of email marketing.